Victory Forge Military Academy is the same as Southeastern Military Academy

In December 2009, Weierman decided to change the name for Victory Forge to Southeastern Military Academy. Nothing about the school has changed, except the name. Even their website is the same (save for a new URL).

Friday, September 19, 2008

A Manifesto for Change at Victory Forge

To mitigate the lies being propagated by Alan Weierman, here in a summary format is what many parents, former students, and residents of PSL want to accomplish. A few others are taking a different approach, but it may behoove the folks who run Victory Forge to pay heed to this.

  1. The Weierman’s should acknowledge that there are major changes that need to be made to the way that they run this business (yes, it is still a business). Time and time again, the same accusations are made against them. An intelligent person would make structural changes to avert the allegations from re-surfacing. Al Weierman has done no such thing and stubbornly refuses to even acknowledge that there is any truth to any of the allegations. Al, implement a strict procedure which prohibits all activities you and your ilk have been accused of. It is that simple.
  2. Open the school to regulatory bodies who should be allowed to make spot checks and ascribe to a preamble that prohibits child abuse – physical or mental. Hire trained individuals instead of those off the street making minimum wages. These people have no training whatsoever in behavioral sciences and make the problem worse. In addition, nepotism should be prohibited as your children may not be the ideal instructors as they themselves have had no training and may be guilty of abuse. The difference, you will fire outsiders but protect insiders.
  3. Stop spreading lies that parents are extorting money from you. The money belongs to the parents who pre-paid for their son’s education - education that was never completed. So now if they want a portion of their money back, it is NOT called extortion. Actually, you are stealing from the parents because you have taken their money and refused to provide the services promised. But of course, you don’t hear the parents telling the world that you are a thief. Discuss with parents and figure out a reasonable solution to the monetary problem. You do not want to fight parents who are in the right. You do no good to the school or yourself.
  4. Once you have accomplished 1-3 above, then you can work to see what has been done on the legislative and PR front to bring the plight of those abused by your school to the forefront. In addition, when 1-3 are accomplished, I would think that parents would be more open to supporting the place and the activities of a school of this sort.

Again, parents have been in touch with FL legislators and have gained tremendous support from the Governor’s Office and FL AG’s office, not to mention several senators. In addition, a lot of information has been collected that has not been made public to us, but a few parents are holding this to make available at the appropriate time. We are trying to get some of that to post on our website which is still in development.

Al, your arrogance and antagonistic behavior is the reason why the tide has and continues to turn against you. Remember, “with courage you will dare to take risks, have the strength to be compassionate, and the wisdom to be humble. Courage is the foundation of integrity and humility the foundation of humanity”. Humility will serve you well. Try it!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Purpose of this Blog

Some have asked us about the purpose of this blog. Some have asked Alan Weierman (no, not Colonel or Dr. since he is neither) about the purpose of this blog. The answer as you can imagine, are diametrically opposed. We want to set the record straight.

Let us start with Weierman’s take on the blog. He has stated, on the internet, and to several parties that this blog is to extort money from him or Victory Forge. He has also stated that this blog is being administered by one or two disgruntled former parents who are uneducated or not connected to "powerful people".

We want to correct Weireman on all accounts. First, extort means “obtain through intimidation” something which does not belong to the parties extorting. I am sure Weirman knows that extortion is a criminal offense. Also I am sure Weierman knows that the money that the parents are asking for is money that was prepaid by the parents and rightfully belongs to them. Second, Weierman is under the impression that Victory Forge and he are synonymous. So to clarify, Alan, if someone is asking for money back, they are asking for money from Victory Forge, not from Weierman (legally, he should know that). Finally, this paroxysm by Weierman is yet another example of his duplicitous tactics, one that he has employed in the past and thinks he can do so again. He has stated that the parents who send their kids to this school are not very educated or well connected to cause him any damage. Now that is where he is wrong. This blog is not being supported by one or two parents. It is not being supported by parents who are uneducated. On the contrary, this blog is being supported by parents, former employee, former Port St. Lucie police, former students of Victory Forge, and other well wishers who know the awful place Victory Forge is.

Our next post will lay out a plan of action and provide more on the supporters. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Weierman has no PhD Either?

So we received a tip from a resident of Port St. Lucie who has followed Victory Forge rather closely for a number of years. He provided us with a very intriguing tid-bit: Alan Weierman is not really a PhD. In order to corroborate this information, we called all the universities in Florida and Ohio (States where Weierman has lived) and asked them if anyone by the name of Alan Weierman enrolled in a PhD program and graduated. Some universities have online searches where you can search for alums. A few universities needed written letters from us before they could respond - letters which we have sent out. The others had no knowledge of this man. We then thought that maybe Weierman attended a program in another state and so we decided to ask him directly. Here are the email excerpts (typos and all).

In a message dated 8/19/2008 11:23:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
received an email from a former resident of PSL stating that you really don't have a PhD. it is from a diploma mill, probably costing $699. maybe in you case, they gave you a discount due to to prove this resident of PSL wrong? if you prove the statement wrong, you will receive a positive post on the blog. writes:
I would certainly like the oportunity. How do you suggest I go about this.

In a message dated 8/22/2008 6:42:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
fax or email us a copy of your diploma. it is that simple. writes:
Fax Number please and real name if you don't mind.
Col. Weierman

We sent Weierman our fax number and did not hear from him so we sent him another email

In a message dated 8/27/2008 11:00:41 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
so it is fair to say that our source was right. you really don't have a Phd do you? it is from a diploma mill, isn't it? your silence speaks volumes. writes:
I need a real fax number and a real name please. The fax that you gave is not your fax number. as long as you want to play games I don't trust you. writes:
that is where i get all my faxes. you fax me your alleged diploma, i will confirm i received it. i will issue a statement on my blog confirming that you are a legit phd and that the information provided to us is incorrect and malicious. it appears that you are playing games. you send me what we need you get what you want.

fax #: 360-364-3233

We never heard anything from Weierman. Two universities responded to our written queries and Weierman never attended those schools. We have a few more universities remaining. It could be that he did receive his diploma from a diploma mill. Or maybe, like his Col title, the PhD title is something that he decided to confer upon himself.

P.S. We have received a lot of intriguing information from readers, residents, and other well-wishers. Some of them wanted the cash offered by one of our readers (which will be processed once their statements can be corroborated), the others provided this information gratis. More to come.