Victory Forge Military Academy is the same as Southeastern Military Academy

In December 2009, Weierman decided to change the name for Victory Forge to Southeastern Military Academy. Nothing about the school has changed, except the name. Even their website is the same (save for a new URL).

Saturday, July 25, 2009

School is not accredited

So, while most others may be enjoying a nice and relaxing summer, ours is really hectic and we have been spending less time on the blog than we would like to. For all those who are sending us emails and comments, please continue to do so. Once the summer ends, we will have more time to dedicate to this blog and will continue exposing Victory Forge for the fraud it is.

In the meantime, all parents who believe that they children are getting an education at this place, realize that according to the Florida Department of Education, this school is not accredited. What this really means is that if your child happens to finish the 12th grade here, he would have completed high school from VF. Then if he were to go to college, he would have to provide transcripts and diplomas proving that he finished high school. A lot of colleges will not accept diplomas or transcripts from schools which are not accredited. The colleges do this because they are a lot of scams out there (no, really??) where people will state that they have completed high school in a place like VF, which is not really a high school. So in other words, since VF does not educate children according to an approved curriculum, the college will assume that you child did not complete high school.

If you children are not planning on going to college, this is still important as most jobs ask where they graduated from (including the armed forces). If the high school shows up as not accredited, the employer has the right to ask for more information or assume that the person applying for the job did not finish high school.

Something to think about especially if you think your $28K (tuition fees paid to Victory Forge) is tuition which includes a high school education.