Victory Forge Military Academy is the same as Southeastern Military Academy

In December 2009, Weierman decided to change the name for Victory Forge to Southeastern Military Academy. Nothing about the school has changed, except the name. Even their website is the same (save for a new URL).

Monday, March 30, 2009

Blast from the Past

Remember this editorial from the Palm Beach Post?

The points discussed here are still valid and still need to be addressed by Victory Forge. It is because of some of these loopholes, Weierman and his minions can get way with abuse. Yes, it is abuse when kids are beaten, food is withheld, and cover-ups happen. Yes, someone of the kids may be bad, but they should not be treated like animals, even though parents may have signed away the kid's rights.

Still waiting from the State legislator to act to regulate these prisons for teens.


1. In April, a 16-year-old boy ran away from Victory Forge Academy, a private, boot camp-style military school in Port St. Lucie. The teen had been shackled for several days, and even had been confined overnight.

And what will the system wind up doing about that? Nothing.

2. A DCF spokesman said the agency has serious concerns about student safety at Victory Forge, but because the school is private, the agency has no authority to regulate it.

3. Parents, who pay more than $28,000 a year for a child to attend the school, sign agreements that they accept the various forms of discipline the school uses, including the shackling of runaways.

4. So, who protects students from the abuse at unregulated schools? Apparently, no one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

have the people who run the place responded to any of this either to the press or to you? i mean anything on the record? if so, it would be nice to keep that in this forum as well.