Victory Forge Military Academy is the same as Southeastern Military Academy

In December 2009, Weierman decided to change the name for Victory Forge to Southeastern Military Academy. Nothing about the school has changed, except the name. Even their website is the same (save for a new URL).

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Moral and Ethic - Not

Here is an interesting twist on the story we have been communicating to everybody. Apparently Molly and Alan and their kids have been telling the world that Southeastern Military Academy is not the same as Victory Forge. They have even been vocal and threatening towards Wikipedia and their editors since all evidence and information points towards the facts that SEMA and VF are one and the same place. Yet Al has decided to twist the truth (see a common theme here - he does that all the time) and claim that SEMA is not VF. He claims that this is one of the top boarding schools in the country, yet this is not the case. He claims to help parents and students, yet this is not the case.

So Al, you claim to teach the students moral and ethics. Don't you think you should try following it yourself first?


Jenny said...

why would parents want to send children to a place run by thugs, liars, and crooks. parents please dont do this. send your kids elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Al always had the "dont question me I know better than you" attitude. Someone should give this evil man a taste of his own medicine