Victory Forge Military Academy is the same as Southeastern Military Academy

In December 2009, Weierman decided to change the name for Victory Forge to Southeastern Military Academy. Nothing about the school has changed, except the name. Even their website is the same (save for a new URL).

Monday, June 21, 2010

Always knew he was lying

Like this comes as a surprise to anybody, but Alan tells everybody (and states publically) that he has a PhD is specialized business - whatever that is.

Well, a sleuth has dug up the following:

His LinkedIn page says he has a PhD in "Business Administration, Counseling, Psychology" from Southeastern Louisiana University. Combined PhDs are rare, and this one strikes me as particularly bizarre. Also, Southeastern Louisiana University does not have a doctoral program in psychology, they have an MA program only. The same goes for their Business program; no doctoral level programs, only two Masters level programs. So his credentials look sketchy at best. After some Google searching there appear to be questions about his military record as well.

You think he is lying? Isn't this what he has been doing for all his life?

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